Bill Gates Turns Attention to Charity,
But Microsoft Seeks to Stay on Track with 'Quests'
It is almost unthinkablethat any one human could pick up where Bill Gates leaves off when he ends his full-time tenureFriday as Microsoft's leader.
But as Gates bones up on epidemiologyat his charitablefoundation, the software company he built with a mix of visionary manifestos and extreme hands-on management must still wake up Monday to face hard problems even he could not solve. Among them: beating Google Inc. on the Web while fending off its attacks on desktop computing.
When Microsoft Corp. announced in 2006 that Gates planned to go part-time as board chairman, so he could spend more time on his global health charity, it named two senior executives to guide the company's overall technical direction.
Gates' recent remarks, however, indicateMicrosoft is looking to a much larger group of employees for big-picture guidance and long-term planning. But it's not yet clear whether the company can replicate his thinking with more traditional corporate processes or whether it should even be trying.
比尔盖茨正式退休 580亿美元身家捐慈善事业
据《福布斯》杂志公布的数据,一度是全球最富有的盖茨,目前个人财富为580亿美元,在全球富豪排行榜的名次下滑到了第三位。排在他前面的,一位是他的好友、投资家沃伦•巴菲特,另一位是墨西哥电信巨头卡洛斯•斯里姆(Carlos Slim)。(