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----  盐渍蒜米Garlic Cloves in Brine  (http://bbs.xfeb.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=28&id=37220)

--  作者:weler5999
--  发布时间:2008/1/3 10:50:49

--  盐渍蒜米Garlic Cloves in Brine
我公司生产的腌制蒜米全部采用苍山大蒜基地大蒜为原料,经手工剥皮,精细挑选 科学腌渍和严格的质量体系控制,所产各规格蒜米制品,粒度均匀,色泽鲜亮、味道纯正、无病斑、无黑斑、无机械伤、无农药残留、呈白玉色、属自然色泽、不添加任何色素、无任何食品添加剂,各项理化指标均符合腌制蒜米国际标准。 Our Garlic in Brine is with the features of bright color, pure flavor without disease spot and black spot, non-mechanical wound, non-pesticide residue, natural white jade color, pigment-free, additive-free and preservative-free, as well as various physical and chemical indexes meet the international standards of salted garlic clove.